[AMX] Bibliographie du dossier sur l’autodétermination à faire du mal

Ceci est la bibliographie du dossier « L’autodétermination à faire du mal » composé de ces articles (les hyperliens seront mis à jour au fur et à mesure de la publication) :

  • Amiot Catherine E., Lizzio-Wilson Morgana, Thomas Emma F, Louis Winnifred R., (2019) Bringing together humanistic and intergroup perspectives to build a model of internalisation of normative social harmdoing,

  • Amiot, C. E., & Bourhis, R. Y. (2003). Discrimination and the positive-negative asymmetry effect: Ideological and normative processes.

  • Amiot, C. E., de la Sablonnière, R., Terry, D. J., & Smith, J. R. (2007). Integration of Social Identities in the Self: Toward a Cognitive-Developmental Model.

  • Amiot, Sansfaçon, Louis (2013) Investigating the motivations underlying harmful social behaviors and the motivational nature of social norms,

  • Amiot, Sansfaçon, Louis (2013) Uncovering hockey fans’ motivations behind their derogatory behaviors and how these motives predict psychological well-being and quality of social identity.

  • Arendt hannah (1970), On Violence,<sq

  • Bandura, A. (1999). Moral disengagement in the perpetration of inhumanities.

  • Bandura, A., & Cervone, D. (1983). Self-evaluative and self-efficacy mechanisms governing the motivational effects of goal system.

  • Baum, S. K. (2008). The psychology of genocide perpetrators, bystanders, and rescuers.

  • Berndsen, M., Thomas, E. F., & Pedersen, A. (2018). Glorification of the national group elicits non-compliance with perspective-taking instructions.

  • Berndsen, M., Thomas, E. F., McGarty, C., Bliuc, A.-M., & Hendres, D. M. (2017). Glorifying national identification increases schadenfreude about asylum seekers when they are a threat, not entitled to seek asylum, and blamed for their adversity.

  • Bertin, Marinthe Grandeur et décadence de l’identité sociale : le narcissisme collectif et ses conséquences | In-Mind

  • Bertin, P., Marinthe, G., Biddlestone, M., & Delouvée, S. (2022). Investigating the identification-prejudice link through the lens of national narcissism: The role of defensive group beliefs.

  • Biddlestone, M., Cichocka, A., Główczewski, M., & Cislak, A. (2022). Their own worst enemy? Collective narcissists are willing to conspire against their in‐group.

  • Bodon-Bruzel Magali (2015) L’homme qui voulait cuire sa mère

  • Brewer, M. B., & Chen, Y.-R. (2007). Where (who) are collectives in collectivism? Toward conceptual clarification of individualizm and collectivism.

  • Brewer, M. B., & Gardner, W. (1996). Who is this “We”? Levels of collective identity and self representations.

  • Brown, G., & Marinthe, G. (2022). We’re all the same: Collective narcissists’s cross-National support for putin and russian military attacks.

  • Browning Christopher (1992), Des hommes ordinaires

  • Cheon, Reeve, Marsh (2023) Autonomy-Supportive Teaching Enhances Prosocial and Reduces

  • Code pénal article 221-1 https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000006417561

  • Cohen, S. J. (2016). Mapping the minds of suicide bombers using linguistic methods: The corpus of Palestinian suicide bombers’ farewell letters (CoPSBFL).

  • Crandall, C., Eshleman, A., & O’Brien, L. (2002). Social norms and the expression and suppression of prejudice: The struggle for internalisation.

  • Crandall, C. S. (1994). Prejudice against fat people: Ideology and self-interest.

  • Crandall, C. S., Miller, J. M., & White, M. H. (2018). Changing norms following the 2016 US presidential election: The Trump effect on prejudice.

  • Deci, E. L., Eghrari, H., Patrick, B. C., & Leone, D. R. (1994). Facilitating internalisation: The self-determination theory perspective.

  • Deci, Ryan (2017), Self-determination theory

  • Dixon, Lakshmi, Piepzna-Samarasinha (2020) Beyond Survival, Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement

  • Duriez, Soenens et Vansteenkiste (2007) The social costs of extrinsic relative to intrinsic goal pursuits: Their relation with social dominance and racial and ethnic prejudice

  • Fiske, A. P., & Rai, T. S. (2015). Virtuous Violence: Hurting and killing to create, sustain, end, and honor social relationships. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

  • Fredman, L. A., Bastian, B., & Swann, W. B., Jr. (2017). God or country? Fusion with Judaism predicts desire for retaliation following Palestinian stabbing Intifada.

  • Froming, W. J. (2015). Healing in a postgenocidal country.

  • Gamborg, C., Jensen, F. S., & Sandøe, P. (2018). Killing animals for recreation? A quantitative study of hunters’ motives and their perceived moral relevance.

  • Gergen, K. J. (2009). The problem of prejudice in plural worlds.

  • Goldhagen (1996) Les Bourreaux volontaires de Hitler

  • Goldstein et Iso-Ahola (2008) Determinants of Parents’ Sideline‐Rage Emotions and Behaviors at Youth Soccer Games

  • Golec de Zavala, A., Cichocka, A., & Iskra-Golec, I. (2013). Collective narcissism moderates the effect of in-group image threat on intergroup hostility.

  • Golec de Zavala, Cichocka, Eidelson (2009)« Collective Narcissism and Its Social Consequences »

  • Golec de Zavala, Guerra Simão (2017) « The Relationship between the Brexit Vote and Individual Predictors of Prejudice: Collective Narcissism, Right Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation »

  • Gómez, A., Brooks, M. L., Buhrmester, M. D., Vázquez, A., Jetten, J., & Swann, W. B. (2011). On the nature of identity fusion: Insights into the construct and a new measure.

  • Greenaway, K. H., & Louis, W. R. (2010). Only human: Hostile human norms can reduce legitimization of intergroup discrimination by perpetrators of historical atrocities.

  • Greenaway, K. H., Louis, W. R., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2012). Awareness of common humanity and subjective temporal distance heighten expectations of intergroup forgiveness.

  • Greenaway, K. H., Quinn, E., & Louis, W. R. (2011). Appealing to common humanity increases forgiveness but reduces collective action among victims of historical atrocities.

  • Haslam S Alexander, Reicher Stephen D , Birney Megan E (2016) , Questioning authority: new perspectives on Milgram’s ‘obedience’ research and its implications for intergroup relations

  • Haslam, N., & Loughnan, S. (2014). Dehumanization and infrahumanization.

  • Haslam, S. A., & Reicher, S. (2007). Beyond the banality of evil: Three dynamics of an interactionist social psychology of tyranny.

  • Haslam, S. A., Ellemers, N., Reicher, S. D., Reynolds, K. J., & Schmitt, M. T. (2010). The social identity perspective today: An overview of its defining ideas.

  • Haslam, S. A., Powell, C., & Turner, J. (2000). Social identity, self-categorization, and work motivation: Rethinking the contribution of the group to positive and sustainable organisational outcomes.

  • Haslam, S. A., Reicher, S. D., & Birney, M. E. (2016). Questioning authority: New perspectives on Milgram’s “obedience” research and its implications for intergroup relations.

  • Hatzfeld Jean (2000) Dans le nu de la vie : récits des marais rwandais

  • Hatzfeld Jean (2003) Une saison de machettes, récits

  • Hatzfeld Jean (2007 ) La Stratégie des antilopes

  • Haute autorité de santé, L’accompagnement de la personne présentant un trouble du développement intellectuel (volet 1) Autodétermination, participation et citoyenneté https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2022-09/02_tdi_rbpp_autodetermination.pdf

  • Hawley, Little et Pasupathi (2002) Winning friends and influencing peers: Strategies of peer influence in late childhood

  • Hein, Koka, Hagger (2015) Relationships between perceived teachers’ controlling behaviour, psychological need thwarting, anger and bullying behaviour in high-school students.

  • Hollow water, un documentaire de Bonnie Dickie, 2000

  • Hornsey, M. J., & Hogg, M. A. (2000). Assimilation and diversity: An integrative model of subgroup relations.

  • Hove MC, Parkhill MR, Neighbors C, McConchie JM, Fossos N. (2010) Alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: the role of self-determination.

  • Hutter, R. R. C., & Crisp, R. J. (2005). The composition of category conjunctions.

  • Jones, A., & Crandall, R. (1986). Validation of a Short Index of Self-Actualization.

  • Kapoor, Kaufman (2023) Creativity and morality

  • Kelman et Hamilton, 1989 Crimes of obedience: Toward a social psychology of authority and responsibility

  • King, R. U., & Sakamoto, I. (2015). Disengaging from genocide harmdoing and healing together between perpetrators, bystanders and victims in Rwanda.

  • Kteily, N., Hodson, G., & Bruneau, E. (2016). They see us as less than human: Metadehumanization predicts intergroup conflict via reciprocal dehumanization.

  • Kulich, C., de Lemus, S., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., & Lorenzi-Cioldi, F. (2017). Multiple Identities Management: Effects on (of) identification, attitudes, behavior and well-being.

  • Larkin, B., & Fink, J. S. (2019). Toward a better understanding of fan aggression and dysfunction: The moderating role of collective narcissism.

  • Leidner, B., Castano, E., Zaiser, E., & Giner-Sorolla, R. (2010). Ingroup glorification, moral disengagement, and justice in the context of collective violence.

  • Leidner, B., Li, M., & Kardos, P. (2015). Healthy and unhealthy wars: The effects of ingroup-committed violence on physical and mental health.

  • Leidner, B., & Castano, E. (2012). Morality shifting in the context of intergroup violence.

  • Lepage (2017) Rôle des mécanismes d’autorégulation dans la soumission à l’autorité

  • Lepage, Bègue, Zerhouni, Dambrun (2020) Authoritarian attitudes are associated with higher autonomic reactivity to stress and lower recover

  • Leyens, J. P., Rodriguez-Perez, A., Rodriguez-Torres, R., Gaunt, R., Paladino, M. P., Vaes, J., & Demoulin, S. (2001). Psychological essentialism and the differential attribution of uniquely human emotions to ingroups and outgroups.

  • Litz, B. T., Stein, N., Delaney, E., Lebowitz, L., Nash, W. P., Silva, C., & Maguen, S. (2009). Moral injury and moral repair in war veterans: A preliminary model and intervention strategy.

  • López, V., Bilbao, M. D. L. A., & Rodriguez, J. I. (2011). La sala de clases sí importa: incidencia del clima de aula sobre la percepción de intimidación y victimización entre escolares

  • Louis, W. R. (2009). If they’re not crazy, then what? The implications of social psychological approaches to terrorism for conflict management.

  • MacNair, 2002, Perpetration-induced traumatic stress: The psychological consequences of killing

  • Milgram (1974) , la soumission à l’autorité

  • Moller et Deci (2010) Interpersonal control, dehumanization, and violence: A self-determination theory perspective

  • Neighbors C., Vietor (2002) A Motivational Model of Driving Anger and Aggression

  • Neyrinck B , Lens W , Duriez B , Vansteenkiste M (2008) The Effect of Autonomous and Controlled Orientations on Open versus Defensive Social Functioning

  • Perry, S., & Hasisi, B. (2015). Rational choice rewards and the Jihadist suicide bomber.

  • Przybylski,Ryan et Rigby (2009)The motivating role of violence in video games

  • Reicher, S. D., Haslam, S. A., & Rath, R. (2008). Making a virtue of evil: A five step social identity model of development of collective hate.

  • Reicher, S. D., Haslam, S. A., & Smith, J. R. (2012). Working toward the experimenter: Reconceptualizing obedience within the Milgram paradigm as identification-based followership.

  • Reicher, S. D., Spears, R., & Postmes, T. (1995). A social identity model of deindividuation phenomena.

  • Rigby, Ryan (2011) Glued to games

  • Roth, Kanat-Maymon, Bibi (2010) Prevention of school bullying: The important role of autonomy-supportive teaching and internalization of pro-social values https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1348/2044-8279.002003

  • Ryan & Deci, (2000) The darker and brighter sides of human existence: Basic psychological needs as a unifying concept

  • Ryan et Grolnick (1986) Origins and pawns in the classroom: Self-report and projective assessments of individual differences in children’s perceptions.

  • Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L., Grolnick, W. S., & La Guardia, J. G. (2006). The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychological development and psychopathology.

  • Ryan, Soenens, Vansteenkiste, Reflections on Self-Determination Theory as an Organizing Framework for Personality Psychology: Interfaces, Integrations, Issues, and Unfinished Business

  • Sedikides, Ntoumanis, Sheldon, (2018) « I am the chosen one: Narcissism in the backdrop of self‐determination theory »

  • Semelin Jacques (2005) Purifier et détruire

  • Sereny Gitta (1975) Au fond des ténèbres Un bourreau parle : franz stangl, commandant de treblinka

  • Shamp L. (2022) Racial Discrimination from a Self-determination Theory Lens

  • Shields, Ryan et Cicchetti (2001) Narrative representations of caregivers and emotion dysregulation as predictors of maltreated children’s rejection by peers.

  • Sidanius Jim, Pratto Felicia (2001) , Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and Oppression

  • Siebel Jennifer, The mask you live in, 2015

  • Smith et Postmes (2011)Shaping stereotypical behaviour through the discussion of social stereotypes

  • Smith et Postmes (2011)The power of talk: Developing discriminatory group norms through discussion

  • Staub, E. (2002). Notes on terrorism: Origins and prevention.

  • Staub, E. (1999). The roots of evil: Social conditions, culture, personality, and basic human needs.

  • Staub, E. (2004). The social psychology of good and evil.

  • Stephan, W. G., & Stephan, C. W. (1996). Predicting prejudice.

  • Stretesky, P. B., & Pogrebin, M. R. (2007). Gang-Related Gun Violence: Socialization, Identity, and Self.

  • Swann, W. B., Jr., Gómez, A., Dovidio, J., Hart, S., & Jetten, J. (2010). Dying and killing for one’s group: Identity fusion moderates responses to intergroup versions of the trolley problem.

  • Swann, W. B., Jr., Gómez, A., Huici, C., Morales, F., & Hixon, J. G. (2010). Identity fusion and self-sacrifice: Arousal as catalyst of pro-group fighting, dying and helping behavior.

  • Swann, W. B., Jr., Jetten, J., Gómez, A., Whitehouse, H., & Bastian, B. (2012). When group membership gets personal: A theory of identity fusion.

  • Tajfel, H. (1981). Social stereotypes and social groups.

  • Taylor, D. M., & Louis, W. R. (2004). Terrorism and the quest for identity.

  • Terestchenko (2005), «  Un si fragile vernis d’humanité »

  • Thomas, E. F., Amiot, C. E., Louis, W. R., & Goddard, A. (2017). Collective self-determination: How the agent of help promotes pride, well-being and support for intergroup helping.

  • Thomas, E. F., McGarty, C., & Louis, W. (2014). Social interaction and psychological pathways to political engagement and extremism.

  • Thomas, E. F., McGarty, C., & Mavor, K. I. (2016). Group interaction as the crucible of identity formation: A glimpse at the origins of collective identity and action.

  • Thomas, E. F., McGarty, C., Stuart, A., Smith, L. G. E., & Bourgoise, L. (2019). Reaching consensus promotes the internalisation of commitment to social change.

  • Thomas, E. F., Smith, L. G. E., McGarty, C., & Postmes, T. (2010). Nice and nasty: The formation of pro-social and hostile social movements.

  • Thomas, E. F., Smith, L. G. E., McGarty, C., Hende, A., Curtin, N., Rees, G., … Spears, R. (2019). When and how social movements mobilize action within and across nations to support refugees.

  • Turner-Zwinkels, F. M., Postmes, T., & van Zomeren, M. (2015). Achieving harmony among different social identities within the self-concept: The consequences of internalising a group-based philosophy of life.

  • Vaes, J., Paladino, M. P., Castelli, L., Leyens, J. P., & Giovanazzi, A. (2003). On the behavioral consequences of infrahumanization: The implicit role of uniquely human emotions in intergroup relations.

  • Vansteenkiste Maarten , Matos Lennia , Lens Willy , Soenens Bart, (2007) Understanding the impact of intrinsic versus extrinsic goal framing on exercise performance: The conflicting role of task and ego involvement.

  • Vansteenkiste, Mouratidis et Lens (2010) Detaching Reasons From Aims: Fair Play and Well-Being in Soccer as a Function of Pursuing Performance-Approach Goals for Autonomous or Controlling Reasons

  • Weinstein, N., Ryan, W. S., DeHaan, C. R., Przybylski, A. K., Legate, N., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). Parental autonomy support and discrepancies between implicit and explicit sexual identities: Dynamics of self-acceptance and defense.

  • Widom Cathy Spatz, White Helene Raskin (2006), Problem behaviours in abused and neglected children grown up: prevalence and co-occurrence of substance abuse, crime and violence

  • Wispé, L. G. (1972). Positive forms of social behavior: An overview.

  • Wood Jane , Alleyne Emma (2010), Street gang theory and research: Where are we now and where do we go from here?

  • Wu Jun , Xiaochen Hu & Orrick Erin A. (2022) The Relationship between Motivations for Joining Gangs and Violent Offending: A Preliminary Test on Self-Determination Theory

  • Zinn Howard (2003), Une histoire populaire des États-Unis

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